Aqium Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser 375ml Pump

Washing your hands properly with water and a soap-free cleanser is one of the best ways to help avoid the spread of germs. But we don’t always have access to a cleanser and water. This is where antibacterial hand sanitisers like Aqium Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser comes in handy.

Aqium Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser is hospital strength and contains moisturisers to help keep hands soft, refreshed and hygienically clean. Quick and convenient to use Aqium kills 99.99% germs* fast and is suitable for use when outdoors, while travelling, before food preparation, in hospitality, after nappy change and toilet use. Aqium Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser is proudly Australian owned and made.

*Kills 99.99% of germs according to BS EN 1276

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