Ansell Gammex Latex Powder Free Sterile Gloves Box Of 50 Pairs

Latex, powder-free surgical gloves combining optimal comfort, strength and tactile sensitivity. GAMMEX Latex powder-free gloves’ unique latex formulation is soft yet robust; delivering the best combination of comfort and hand protection. Certified by United States Ergonomics, this gloves’ anatomically designed formers feature finger shaped pads that heighten fingertip sensitivity resulting in minimal hand muscle effort used.

Additional cleaning processes ensure the lowest levels of latex proteins and chemical accelerators to help minimize the risk of developing Type I latex or Type IV chemical allergies. Ansell’s unique donning aid technology helps make dry and damp hand donning effortless.

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Ansell Gammex Latex Powder Free Sterile Gloves Box Of 50 Pairs
Ansell Gammex Latex Powder Free Sterile Gloves Box Of 50 Pairs
Ansell Gammex Latex Powder Free Sterile Gloves Box Of 50 Pairs
Ansell Gammex Latex Powder Free Sterile Gloves Box Of 50 Pairs
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