Scott Optimum Towel White 24cmx24cm 150 Sheet Carton of 16

Elevate your washroom experience with trusted and familiar Scott Washroom Solutions, designed to support compliance and control. Scott Optimum Hand Towels have been carefully designed as the ideal size to effectively dry hands using just one sheet. These high capacity folded paper hand towels are quick and easy to refill, minimising maintenance time and the risk of run outs. Dispensing one paper towel at a time minimises contamination for a more hygienic experience whilst also reducing waste and cost. Scott Optimum Hand Towels provide great value without compromising on quality. Each Scott Folded Hand Towel is manufactured with unique AIRFLEX® Technology, ensuring high quality absorbency and an efficient hand drying performance with every use. Proudly made in Australia using a sustainable mix of recycled and FSC® virgin fibre, Scott Disposable Hand Towels are an environmentally friendly addition to your washroom. The white paper towels are also MPI New Zealand certified for food safety reassurance, making them suitable not just for workplace toilets and washrooms but also lunchrooms and kitchens. Each Scott Folded Hand Towel is manufactured with unique AIRFLEX® Technology, ensuring high quality absorbency and an efficient hand drying performance with every use. Proudly made in Australia using a sustainable mix of recycled and FSC® Virgin Fibre. The white paper towels are MPI New Zealand certified.
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Scott Optimum Towel White 24cmx24cm 150 Towel Carton of 16
Scott Optimum Towel White 24cmx24cm 150 Towel Carton of 16
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