GloveOn Avalon Biodegradable Nitrile Examination Gloves Powder Free Blue Box of 200

Help improve the environment with GloveOn Avalon biodegradable gloves. Designed to break down normal nitrile gloves in landfill settings, these gloves will take years rather than decades to completely biodegrade. Our unique formulation maintains the high levels of strength and flexibility you’d expect in a nitrile glove, while only allowing the biodegradation process to start once in landfill conditions. Feel confident that GloveOn Avalon will give you the protection you need and help you do your bit for the environment.

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GloveOn Avalon Biodegradable Nitrile Examination Gloves Powder Free Blue
GloveOn Avalon Biodegradable Nitrile Examination Gloves Powder Free Blue
GloveOn Avalon Biodegradable Nitrile Examination Gloves Powder Free Blue
GloveOn Avalon Biodegradable Nitrile Examination Gloves Powder Free Blue
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