Ansell Gammex Latex Dermashield Gloves Box Of 50 Pairs

Ansell Gammex Latex Dermashield Gloves are a powder-free surgical glove you can rely on for everyday performance. A unique internal coating enables the glove wearer to easily don with either dry or damp hands, whether it be their first don or during intra-operative changes. 

Ansell’s glove formers are designed for anatomic fit, and together with a proprietary formulation, these powder-free surgical gloves help minimize hand fatigue during sustained general procedures. The smooth external surface of these GAMMEX Latex DermaShield surgical gloves has a micro-textured finish to ensure confident handling of medical instruments

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Ansell Gammex Latex Dermashield Glove Box Of 50 Pairs
Ansell Gammex Latex Dermashield Glove Box Of 50 Pairs
Ansell Gammex Latex Dermashield Glove Box Of 50 Pairs
Ansell Gammex Latex Dermashield Glove Box Of 50 Pairs
Ansell Gammex Latex Dermashield Gloves Box Of 50 Pairs
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